Top tips for bypassing Cloudflare when web scraping in 2024

Apr 30, 2023

Cloudflare is a popular anti-bot service used by many websites to block automated requests such as those from web scrapers. Bypassing Cloudflare is crucial for being able to scrape data from a wide range of sites. In this article, we'll cover the key techniques and tools you can use to get around Cloudflare's bot detection and blocking when web scraping in 2024.

Understanding how Cloudflare detects web scrapers

To effectively bypass Cloudflare, it's important to first understand how it identifies web scraping bots. Cloudflare uses a variety of techniques to fingerprint and analyze incoming requests to determine a trust score. This score is used to decide if the request should be allowed, challenged, or blocked. The key components Cloudflare looks at include:

  • TLS/SSL capabilities and JA3 fingerprinting

  • IP address reputation and type (residential, mobile, data center)

  • HTTP2 vs HTTP1 usage and header ordering

  • JavaScript runtime capabilities and consistency

  • Overall request patterns and rate

By carefully studying and reverse engineering these detection mechanisms, we can blend in and bypass Cloudflare's defenses.

Tips for bypassing Cloudflare

Here are some of the most effective techniques to use when web scraping Cloudflare protected sites in 2024:

  1. Use residential proxies - Cloudflare assigns more trust to requests coming from IP addresses belonging to residential ISPs vs data centers. Using a pool of residential proxies can significantly increase your trust score.

  2. Rotate user agents and headers - Randomize the user agent strings and request headers you send to match those of common browsers. Avoid using the default headers of popular scraping tools.

  3. Solve JavaScript challenges - Some Cloudflare checks use JavaScript code to fingerprint the client. Use a real browser like Puppeteer or Playwright to accurately execute this JS and maintain trust.

  4. Manage cookies and sessions - Reuse cookies and session data for subsequent requests to avoid having to re-solve challenges. Tools like FlareSolverr can automatically manage this for you.

  5. Distribute requests - Spread out your requests across multiple IPs and user agents. Sending too many requests from a single source is an obvious red flag.

  6. Adjust request rate - Scrape sites at a moderate rate to avoid tripping rate limit protections. You can slowly ramp up the speed over time.

Here's an example of how you can implement some of these techniques in Python using the FlareSolverr tool:

import httpx

def send_get_request(url: str):

"""Send a GET request with FlareSolverr"""

flaresolverr_url = "http://localhost:8191/v1"

payload = {

"cmd": "request.get",

"url": url,

"maxTimeout": 60000


response =


headers={"Content-Type": "application/json"},




return response

response = send_get_request(url="")


This code sends a request through FlareSolverr which will use a real browser to solve any Cloudflare challenges. It reuses sessions to maintain the Cloudflare trust score across multiple requests.

Limitations and alternatives

While tools like FlareSolverr can be effective, they have some downsides and limitations:

  • Setup and maintenance overhead

  • Inability to solve more complex Cloudflare challenges

  • Slower performance due to running full browser

An alternative to consider is using an API service like ScrapFly. ScrapFly provides a web scraping API that handles all the complexities of bypassing Cloudflare and other anti-bot protections. It offers headless browsers, rotating proxies, and a simple SDK interface.

Here's how easy it is to use ScrapFly to scrape a Cloudflare protected page:

from scrapfly import ScrapflyClient, ScrapeConfig

scrapfly = ScrapflyClient(key="YOUR_API_KEY")

result = scrapfly.scrape(ScrapeConfig(








Bypassing Cloudflare and other anti-bot services is an ongoing arms race, but by understanding how they work and using the right tools and techniques, you can effectively scrape protected websites.

Some key tips to keep in mind:

- Distribute requests across proxies and user agents

- Solve or avoid JavaScript challenges

- Carefully manage sessions and cookies

- Rotate IP addresses, preferably residential ones

- Adjust request rates to avoid tripping limits

While it's possible to implement these yourself, using a specialized tool or API service can save significant time and effort. Consider trying out ScrapFly for an easy, fully managed solution.

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